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Wonderful here and now

How it feels to touch somebody’s heart?
To feel this slow, uniform but at the same time beautiful beating
New life, so small, so gentle, so fleeting and so short
You think how to survive passing minutes and days
You’re looking for some tips that would guide you
With open mind for every unforgettable word
You want to keep the whole happiness for yourself
Day by day take a small piece and hide the rest in your pocket

The hours are passing but you’re still sitting in this garden of memories
Most of them were the most important and decisive in your life
You tell her that for nothing in this world you wouldn’t like to turn back bad moments
A little mess hasn’t hurt anyone, you want even more of it
But you still apologize her that you’re not the kind of guy she wants you to be

Why do you judge and demand from yourself so many useless things?
Have mercy on you, young man, and look things in the face
You can’t manage every expectation and whispers of these mean ghosts
They will never be happy about your choices, behavior and appearance
Perfection kills your humanity you should have taken care of
Hide your past, sorrows and worries deeply under your bed, let darkness get’em
Just look through the window and tell yourself: it’s wonderful to be here and now


Paulina Młodawska, kl. 2A